Beauty and bounty in my Apong Juan's farm

Since last year, it was my turn to tend the farm my grandfather has given to my father. Every now and then, I would go home to Nueva Ecija to check on re-planting. I am blessed to have a cousin who personally oversees the farm for me.

Going to the farm also means carrying my photography gears. Yes, the farm-workers wonder why their photos are being taken.

I just regret I have not gone home for the harvest. I hope I can still catch up with the harvesting and threshing this weekend. Yes, the palay cannot wait for me.

There is nothing so spectacular about the farm, but it has an innate charm that captivates the senses. I just take pride in sharing them with you. The photos tell all.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
Apong Juan did not wait for the government. He built his road for his farm.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
Morning Dew.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
A little farther.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
Preparing for the rice planting.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
The mini forest at the top of the image was planted by my grandfather. It was intended to be a communal property among his children.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
Zooming into the tree at the far end.

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm

Beauty and Bounty in Apong Juan's farm
The presence of dragonflies indicates a still healthy ecosystem.

See more photos at my Flickr Photo Stream.


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Aside from my day job, I love photography and storytelling. Going places--be it a cliche destination or the far side of the road--stoke and free my soul. I dig deeper into the people’s psyche, culture and ethnicity, and heritage. I love to observe how they thrive and build social institutions, preserve their culture and traditions.


Edmar del Castillo Guquib said...

Beautiful Sr Ding! Haciendero ka pala. hehe.

Admin/Author said...

Hindi naman haciendero, Edmar. hehe. Thanks!

Unknown said...

where is the farm located